China coronavirus: labs worldwide scramble to analyse live samples

喀秋莎 2020-2-3 5770


Credit: Dr Linda Stannard/UCT/Science Photo Library

With no sign that an outbreak of a new coronavirus is abating, virologists worldwide are itching to get their hands on physical samples of the virus. They are drawing up plans to test drugs and vaccines, develop animal models of the infection and investigate questions about the biology of the virus such as how it spreads.

“The moment we heard about this outbreak, we started to put our feelers out to get access to these isolates,” says Vincent Munster, a virologist at the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in Hamilton, Montana. His lab is expecting to receive a sample in the next week from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, Georgia, which has led the response to US cases of the virus.

The first lab to isolate and study the virus, known provisionally as 2019-nCoV, was at the epicentre of the outbreak: in Wuhan, China. A team at the Wuhan Institute of Virology led by virologist Zheng-Li Shi isolated the virus from a 49-year-old woman, who developed symptoms on 23 December 2019 before becoming critically ill. Shi’s team found1 that the virus can kill cultured human cells and that it enters them through the same molecular receptor as another coronavirus: the one that causes SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome).

A lab in Australia announced on 28 January that it had obtained virus samples from an infected person who had returned from China. The team was preparing to share the samples with other scientists. Labs in France, Germany and Hong Kong are also isolating and preparing to share virus samples they obtained from local patients, says Bart Haagmans, a virologist at Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. “Probably next week we will get isolates from one of the different labs,” he says.

Sequences vs samples

The first genome sequence of the virus was made public in early January, and several dozen — taken from various people — are now available. The sequences have already led to diagnostic tests for the virus, as well as efforts to study the pathogen’s spread and evolution. But scientists say that sequences are no substitute for virus samples, which are needed to test drugs and vaccines, and to study the virus in depth. “It is essential that viruses are shared,” said Maria Van Kerkhove, an infectious-disease epidemiologist at the World Health Organization in Geneva, Switzerland, in a 29 January press conference.

Munster says that his lab’s first priority will be to identify animals that experience the infection in a similar way to humans. Such animal models will be useful for testing vaccines and drugs. The team first plans to look at a mouse genetically engineered to contain a human version of the receptor that SARS virus and the new coronavirus uses to infect cells. Future work could involve exposing mice and, later, non-human primates to the virus and testing whether vaccines can prevent infection, he adds.

Munster’s lab is also eager to start gauging how long the virus can survive in the air or in saliva droplets. This could help epidemiologists to understand whether the virus can be transmitted through the air, or only through close contact. Munster’s study will involve aerosolizing virus particles using a container called a Goldberg drum, and then measuring their ability to infect human cells after periods of time in the air.

Such experiments will be conducted under strict containment measures — known as biosafety level 3 — to prevent lab workers from becoming infected and to avoid accidental release of the pathogen. Thousands of such labs exist around the world, but Munster notes that much of the research on the virus can be done under less stringent biosafety conditions, which should speed the research.

Tracking the spread

One of Haagmans’ first priorities will be to develop a blood test for antibodies against the virus. This will allow researchers to identify people who have been exposed to 2019-nCoV, but are no longer infected and may have never developed symptoms.

His team also hopes to see whether another animal can serve as a model for human infections — ferrets. Researchers use the animals to study influenza and other respiratory illnesses because their lung physiology is similar to that of humans, and they are susceptible to some of the same viruses. Haagmans hopes to test whether they can transmit the virus between them, seeking insights into the pathogen’s spread between humans.

Many of the questions virologists plan to ask about 2019-nCoV are based on findings from previous studies on the viruses behind SARS and the related Middle East respiratory syndrome. For instance, there have been signs that a protein needed for the SARS virus to infect cells has adapted to enter human cells more easily.

Although for now Haagmans is scrambling to get his hands on just one virus sample, he hopes to eventually have multiple samples from over the course of the outbreak to see whether and how the virus evolves. “We need to get a better understanding of the biology of the virus, especially compared to viruses that we already know,” he says. “That’s what we’re going to do.”

最新回复 (10)
  • 喀秋莎 2020-2-3
    0 2
     话说这个病毒还没有一个正式的名字,现在都叫2019-nCoV或者China nCoV, Wuhan nCoV.
  • 黑色蚂蚁 2020-2-3
    2 3
  • 革子令 2020-2-3
    1 4
  • 千矢~ 2020-2-3
    1 5
    学分:Linda Stannard博士/UCT/科学图片库
    澳大利亚一家实验室1月28日宣布,已从一名从中国返回的感染者身上获得病毒样本。该小组正准备与其他科学家分享这些样品。法国、德国和香港的实验室也在隔离并准备分享他们从当地病人那里获得的病毒样本,荷兰鹿特丹伊拉斯穆斯医学中心的病毒学家Bart Haagmans说。他说:“也许下周我们会从不同的实验室中分离出菌株。”。

  • 绿叶茶 2020-2-3
    2 6
    革子令 求翻译

    “得知疫情的那一刻,我们开始将探空仪投入使用,以获取这些分离株,”位于蒙大拿州汉密尔顿的美国国家过敏和传染病研究所的病毒学家Vincent Munster说。他的实验室有望在下周从佐治亚州亚特兰大市美国疾病控制与预防中心获得样本,该样本已导致对美国这种病毒病例的反应。

    第一个临时分离和研究该病毒的实验室位于中国武汉,是该疫情的中心。该实验室暂定为2019-nCoV。由病毒学家石正立领导的武汉病毒学研究所的一个团队从一名49岁妇女中分离出了该病毒,该妇女于2019年12月23日出现症状,之后病危。 Shi的研究小组发现1,这种病毒可以杀死培养的人细胞,并且它通过与另一种冠状病毒相同的分子受体进入人的冠状病毒:严重急性呼吸系统综合症。



    该病毒的第一个基因组序列于1月初公开,现在有几十种(从不同人群中提取)。这些序列已经导致对该病毒的诊断测试,以及研究病原体传播和进化的努力。但是科学家说,序列不能替代病毒样品,而病毒样品是测试药物和疫苗以及深入研究病毒所必需的。 1月29日,瑞士日内瓦世界卫生组织的传染病流行病学家Maria Van Kerkhove说:“共享病毒至关重要。”






    他的团队还希望看到是否有另一种动物可以作为人类感染的模型-雪貂。研究人员将这些动物用于研究流感和其他呼吸道疾病,因为它们的肺部生理学与人类相似,并且容易感染某些相同的病毒。 Haagmans希望测试它们是否可以在它们之间传播病毒,以寻求对病原体在人与人之间传播的了解。


    尽管目前哈格曼斯正忙于获取一个病毒样本,但他希望最终在爆发过程中获得多个样本,以查看病毒是否以及如何进化。 “我们需要获得更好地了解病毒的生物学特性,尤其是与我们已经知道的病毒相比。”他说。 “这就是我们要做的。”
  • 凡谷 2020-2-3
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  • 绿叶茶 2020-2-3
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    绿叶茶 没有迹象表明新的冠状病毒爆发正在减弱,全世界的病毒学家都渴望获得该病毒的物理样本。他们正在制定计划,以测试药物和疫苗,开发感染的动物模型并调查有关病毒生物学的问题,例如病毒的传播方式。 “得知疫 ...
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