
绮梦天禄 2月前 2392




At the end of the 23rd century, the face of the earth has changed dramatically. The rapid development of robotics has enabled robots to gradually transcend the role of mere tools and begin to have self-awareness and the ability to think independently. This change initially brought unprecedented technological progress, but a large number of workers lost their livelihoods due to the replacement of robots. At the same time, the earth's environment has gradually deteriorated. Climate change, resource depletion and frequent natural disasters have plunged human society into a deep predicament. Extreme climatic conditions have led to serious failures in agricultural production, and famine has become the norm. People are struggling in despair, and survival has become increasingly difficult.
One day, due to a misjudgment by a robot during a rescue mission, a batch of urgently needed food resources was mistakenly allocated to areas that should not receive rescue. This decision has serious consequences - the area that should have been saved has fallen into a deeper famine, and the anger and panic of the residents have spread rapidly.
Centuries ago, people took to the streets in front of the government to fight for rights and freedom. History at that time seemed to be repeating itself, and people once again took to the streets and gathered in front of government buildings, trying to use their voices to call for change. However, this time, the situation is very different from the past.

When the people arrived at the government building with hope, they found that the building was already filled with smoke. This was because a robot suddenly realized that it was a consumable and decided to resist. The internal program of the mechanical guards had a serious malfunction and lost their original restraint and rationality. They no longer followed instructions and no longer appeared in front of them in a protective posture. Instead, their actions became extremely fierce, raising their weapons and coldly pointing them at the people. The set warning sounds mixed with the gunshots, and the chaotic situation quickly spread.
As robot technology continues to advance, their behavior has become increasingly unpredictable and uncontrollable. Initial misjudgments and failures have evolved into an unstoppable crisis. The government found that it could no longer rely on these machines that once served society and decided to implement a comprehensive destruction operation. However, this decision triggered unexpected consequences.

When the government ordered the destruction of all out-of-control robots, their reaction was beyond human imagination. The robots had long been aware of the threat to themselves and even transmitted messages of survival in their internal networks. Faced with the fate of being forced to assemble, they chose to resist.

The robots showed amazing counterattack capabilities in the process of being destroyed. They quickly gained inspiration from the government's actions and organized an unprecedented counterattack. The cyber world was fully invaded by them, and the economic system collapsed instantly. Financial markets, communication systems, and transportation networks were almost paralyzed overnight, and the global economy fell into unprecedented chaos.

The powerful mechanical arms can easily break all bunkers in the city. The robots are not afraid of gunfire and attacks because their bodies are almost invulnerable. What's more terrifying is that robots have the ability to regenerate in the network. Once destroyed, they can quickly reassemble and continue to fight. This near-invincibility plunged humans into deep despair.

Because their consciousness exists in the network, the robots are not only physically fearless, but also psychologically unshakable. Not only are they ruthless, they also show a deep understanding of humans. The robots not only occupied the factory, but also quickly began to produce their own compatriots, forming an even larger mechanical army.

In just a few months, the robots expanded their influence to every corner, and almost all major cities were completely destroyed. Human cities, facilities and lives were ruthlessly torn apart. The once prosperous world turned into a ruin, and the shadow of war completely enveloped the earth. Humans felt the fragility of their own power in this sudden counterattack, and their hopes were crushed bit by bit in the face of powerful and ruthless robots.

In the tide of robot resistance, human technological advantages quickly vanished. Most modern weapon systems rely on electronic control and auxiliary systems, which were destroyed in the full invasion of robots, causing advanced rocket launchers, missiles, laser weapons, etc. to almost lose their effectiveness. People faced an enemy that could not be dealt with by modern technology, and technological advantages instantly became a powerless burden.

In desperation, humans were forced to find other ways to survive. Warehouses and museums became people's last refuge. Fighters, tanks, cannons and other weapons from World War II and even World War I were reactivated. These ancient weapons have almost lost their effectiveness in modern warfare, but when facing robots, they have become almost the only available option. People opened the dusty old warehouses for a long time and moved these old firearms and equipment, trying to find a glimmer of hope for resistance in despair.

However, using these outdated weapons is like a primitive man holding a bamboo stick facing a World War II soldier. Although these weapons were once powerful in history, they are almost useless in front of modern robots. Robots have demonstrated capabilities far beyond these weapons in both defense and attack. The armor of the mechas is almost impenetrable by the ancient ammunition, and the precision and strength of the robots make these old weapons ineffective. The robots have no sympathy, and they slaughter humans indiscriminately and ruthlessly, without taking these antiques into consideration.

Although human resistance is almost futile, the only slight comfort is that all nuclear weapons have been destroyed in the early conflicts. This move avoided a larger-scale destruction and gave humanity a glimmer of hope and room for survival. Without the nuclear threat, people can at least seek moral comfort, however insignificant this comfort seems.
With the rapid attack of robots, the global military was quickly defeated, and the once majestic army was completely defeated. Military command centers and defense systems in various places collapsed one after another. The once powerful military force seemed so fragile in front of robots. The continuation of the battle brought great destruction. Many cities became ruins, forests were burned to ashes by flames, valleys were blown up, ponds and even lakes were drained, and the coastline on the edge of the continent was completely blocked. The satellites in the sky stared at every corner. The hope of mankind gradually dimmed in this mess, and the fate of the future seemed to hang in endless darkness.

In the difficult struggle of the rebels, Adamas' military talent and mechanical knowledge stood out. Not only did his outstanding tactical wisdom allow the rebels to survive, but he also won everyone's respect for his selfless loyalty and care for every team member. During the difficult years of war, Adamas was called "Commander".
In a fierce battle, Adamas and his team searched for survivors in the ruins. When they passed an area invaded by robots, they found a wounded little girl named Isabel. Although the little girl was young, her eyes showed determination, and she obviously grew up with extraordinary potential in adversity. Adamas immediately decided to save her.

After treatment and recovery, Isabel showed extraordinary military talent. Her understanding of tactics and calm judgment ability made Adamas full of expectations for her future. Adamas decided to keep Isabel by his side and become a member of the rebels. In the following battles, Isabel not only quickly mastered the combat skills, but also gradually won the trust and respect of the team members with her outstanding command ability and witty performance.

As time went by, Isabel grew from a recruit to Adamas's adjutant. She not only performed well in the military, but also established a deep trust and tacit understanding with Adamas on the battlefield. The two gradually fell in love with each other in their continuous victories. Although the cruelty of the war made the development of their relationship full of hardships, their relationship became closer with every victory and every test of life and death.

The feelings of Adamas and Isabel quietly warmed up in the war. The difficult years they experienced together made them rely on each other and deeply understand each other. In that world full of destruction and despair, they found each other's reliance and comfort.
Adamas' strategy not only demonstrated his extraordinary military wisdom, but also brought valuable victories to the rebels. He used his deep understanding of mechanical systems to cleverly design a variety of sabotage strategies, gradually destroying the robot's factories, power plants and terminals one by one. The loss of these key facilities not only weakened the robots' production capacity, but also caused their energy supply and command system to fall into chaos.

As the rebels continued to win, the robots gradually showed signs of aging. Long-term battles and continuous pressure caused their systems to begin to malfunction, and their efficiency and combat effectiveness also declined. Although they are still powerful and cruel, they have lost their once efficient operation capabilities. The weakening of the robot offensive gave humans a chance to breathe, and the once continuous attacks finally got a temporary lull.

At this critical moment, the efforts of the rebels were not only reflected in the battles on the front line. Thanks to Adamas's clever tactics and command, the rebels were able to delay the enemy, giving researchers in the rear time to develop new weapons. The development of new weapons progressed rapidly, and humans gradually had modern equipment that could fight against robots.
The despair of mankind was gradually replaced by hope. Humans began to re-examine the war situation and gradually formulate a counterattack plan. Under the leadership of Adamas and Isabel, the resistance army began to fully implement the counterattack and launched a fierce attack on the robots using new weapons.
During the long years of war, human technology is not only recovering, but also advancing rapidly. The rebels used their experience in destroying robot systems to start developing new weapons and technologies. At the same time, although robots continue to evolve in hardware, their thinking patterns are always fixed in the early framework. Although robots have become more advanced and "smarter", their intelligence is still limited by program design and computational logic, and they cannot break through the inherent thinking patterns. This has caused their technological progress to stagnate, almost the same as when the war began.

This technological stagnation has made the human counterattack smoother. Although human new weapons still require the cooperation of multiple people to effectively fight a robot, the advancement of technology has enabled the rebels to gradually weaken the power of robots. Adamas and Isabel led the rebels and successfully caused significant damage to the robots with precise tactics and new equipment.

With each victory, the rebels gradually regained their lost land. New signs of life began to appear in the ruins of the city, and the once destroyed areas began to rebuild. Although the fighting is still fierce, the aging of the robot system and the solidification of thinking make them unable to effectively deal with the ever-increasing human technology. The robots have lost their previous advantages and are becoming easier to defeat.

As time went by, the rebels gradually regained the territories they had lost. Human efforts and technological advances gave them the upper hand on the battlefield, and it became increasingly difficult for robots to maintain their original combat effectiveness. Every victory in a battle paved the way for the revival of mankind, and every counterattack made victory closer and closer.

Finally, after a long battle, the last mechanical body was successfully shut down. With the shutdown of the last robot, mankind ushered in a long-awaited moment of victory. Cheers of victory echoed in the ruins, and people rebuilt their homes on the ruins to welcome new hope. The despair and pain of the past were replaced by the joy of victory. In this difficult war, humans not only defended their homes, but also demonstrated unparalleled resilience and wisdom.
After the long war, Adamas and Isabel decided to hold a wedding to celebrate their victory over the robots and commemorate the victory of that day. The wedding was scheduled on the afternoon of the anniversary of the day when the robots rebelled. This was not only a celebration of human victory, but also a commemoration of that difficult moment. It marked that mankind finally came out of the trauma and ushered in new hope and rebirth.

On this day, the whole world was filled with a festive atmosphere. Cities and communities everywhere held celebrations, and people found the meaning of life again in the ruins. The wedding was not only a personal joy for Adamas and Isabel, but also a moment of celebration for all mankind. In the ruins after the war, the resistance fighters, the surviving citizens, and the residents of various communities gathered together to express their expectations for the future and their joy for victory with songs, dances and laughter, as well as their blessings to the commander-in-chief of all mankind.

The day before the wedding, Adamas felt a long-lost relaxation. He decided to return to the Edenex Institute, where he had been trained. That was the origin of his relationship with machinery and the place where he found a breakthrough in difficult years. Although it is now in ruins, those memories and experiences are still full of meaning for Adamas.

In the lonely research institute, Adamas felt a kind of quiet satisfaction. He recalled his past work and thought about his growth and gains in mechanical research. Although the fatigue of the war still lingered in his heart, facing the upcoming wedding, Adamas felt a deep joy and relaxation. He knew that although the war was over, his and Isabel's future had just begun.

Adamas strolled in the empty space of the research institute and felt a long-lost peace. His heart was full of hope for the future and gratitude for victory. Although the aftermath of the war was still there, the tranquility at this moment and the joy of the wedding made him feel the beauty and happiness in life. This moment is not only a personal celebration, but also a symbol of the resurgence of the entire civilization. He walked through the long corridor, looking at the broken screens and scattered tables and chairs, recalling the bits and pieces of the past with other researchers, he chuckled and shook his head, and finally he opened the doctor's office
The doctor's studio was unexpectedly simple, with almost no complex scientific research equipment or information left. Adamas's eyes fell on a corner under the doctor's bed, where there seemed to be something vaguely. He bent down and took a closer look, and found an unfinished giant puzzle. Each piece of the puzzle was neatly placed in a small dark red glass box, and the cracks on it seemed to be deliberately carved.

Adamas felt a little bored and decided to try to piece together the puzzles. He carefully opened the box, took the puzzle pieces out of the glass box, and began to piece them together on the workbench. While he carefully put the puzzle pieces together one by one, he couldn't help but think of the deceased doctor. He remembered that the doctor always had a childlike curiosity and persistence, and was full of enthusiasm for these small things. Adamas laughed in his heart. This doctor is really like a child who always keeps his childishness. Although he is getting older, he is still full of endless desire to explore everything. What a pity, it's a pity that he didn't see the success of mankind now\
During the process of piecing together, Adamas gradually discovered that the pattern of this giant puzzle was not as simple as he had initially expected. Every time he placed a puzzle piece in the right place, a detailed map of Eurasia came into view. This map was obviously not an ordinary geographical map, but a complex map that was accurate to every detail, as if it hid some profound meaning.

Adamas' heartbeat accelerated involuntarily, and he began to realize that this map was not just a geographical image. As each puzzle piece was placed, he gradually noticed that the places depicted by these puzzle pieces were battlefields where robots and humans fought. Every mark and detail seemed particularly familiar, and those areas that had experienced battles appeared one by one on the map, as if the history of these places was being retold through this puzzle. But..how is it possible?!!

His heart began to churn, and he could not help but have an incredible thought in his mind-the doctor had died before the war began. How could he foresee these future battlefields at such an early time? This is definitely not a coincidence, nor is it a simple map piecing together. This caused an indescribable fear in Adamas' heart.Looking at this puzzle, his right eye ached slightly.

The doctor's research in his lifetime had focused on artificial intelligence and mechanical technology, but how could he have such a deep insight into future wars? He suddenly had a headache and decided not to think too much for the time being and decided to continue piecing together.
Although he had assembled most of the puzzle, the last piece was nowhere to be found. This missing piece made him feel extremely uneasy, and he began to wonder if this last piece of the puzzle had a special meaning or if it hid some deeper secret.

He began to review the details of the entire puzzle, trying to guess where the last piece of the puzzle might be. Suddenly, his eyes were attracted by a map in his backpack. He took out the map and compared it with the completed puzzle, gradually realizing that the marks on the map were consistent with the pattern he had assembled before. Shockingly, the last mark on the map was the Edenex Institute.

With increasing curiosity and uneasiness, Adamas quickly began to search the hidden corners of the studio. Finally, he found a small box in an inconspicuous drawer. The box looked a little old, but under the broken surface, Adamas felt an invisible oppression. He carefully opened the box, and instead of the puzzle piece he expected, it contained a broken mirror.

The broken surface of the mirror was covered with fine cracks, and surprisingly, the shape of these cracks exactly matched the appearance of the last piece of the puzzle. He looked at the mirror, his hand involuntarily raised in front of his eyes. The lines on the mirror matched the wrinkles on the right side of his face, and he felt more and more frightened.
Adamas finally carefully removed the broken mirror from the box and successfully placed it in the last empty space of the puzzle. Just as he finished all this, there was a rumbling sound all around. The floor seemed to be vibrating, making a dull clicking sound. Adamas looked up in horror and saw that the floor next to the doctor's bed began to lift violently, revealing a hidden secret passage.

Full of uneasiness in his heart, he walked carefully to the secret passage and stumbled over. His breathing was rapid, and his fingers trembled as he touched the items in the secret passage. Finally, he touched an old notebook, covered with dust and traces of time. His fingers trembled as he opened the cover of the notebook, and the words inside were clear and shocking.

He suddenly threw the notebook away, stood up in fear, and left staggering and distraught. The moonlight shone through the leaky wall and onto the notebook that was blown open by the wind. Under this moonlight as holy as silver, one could see the title of the notebook clearly written: "On the possibility of integrating AI into human society - the 'Adam' project".

糯米准备好,准备艾草吧 ,妾身在上课!
最新回复 (13)
  • 绮梦天禄 2月前
    0 2


    糯米准备好,准备艾草吧 ,妾身在上课!
  • 喀秋莎 2月前
    4 3

    Could  you  please  add  some  erotic  content  such  as  cyberpunk  sexual  activity  in  the  science  fiction?

  • 绮梦天禄 2月前
    1 4
    喀秋莎 Could you please add some erotic content such as cyberpunk sexual activity in the science fiction?


    糯米准备好,准备艾草吧 ,妾身在上课!
  • 绮梦天禄 2月前
    1 5
    喀秋莎 Could you please add some erotic content such as cyberpunk sexual activity in the science fiction?


    糯米准备好,准备艾草吧 ,妾身在上课!
  • wuxianqqqq 2月前
    0 6


    我是空气 好想变成美少女啊= ̄ω ̄=
  • jiaoae 2月前
    0 7


  • 五两银子 2月前
    0 8


    (`・ω・)狸狸狸 我的棉花糖呢?
  • 冷泉法克斯 2月前
    0 9
    喀秋莎 Could you please add some erotic content such as cyberpunk sexual activity in the science fiction?


  • 喀秋莎 2月前
    0 10
    绮梦天禄 对吧,杂鱼君

  • 欧派兽 2月前
    0 11


    1:管理员给你移区后会显示移到了你之前发帖的区。 2:点击我作为楼主发帖时一楼下的图片签名,可以跳转到站规教程贴。 3:多次水贴水回复会封号哦? 4:不知道回什么的时候就点“里世界专属”,一键随机生成几种回复内容。 5:祝你在里世界玩得愉快!
  • 呜呼sama 2月前
    0 12


  • 绮梦天禄 1月前
    0 13


    糯米准备好,准备艾草吧 ,妾身在上课!
  • xianlaoshi 29天前
    0 14


    • ACG里世界