Highway Blossoms——温馨百合还是西部旅行指南?

喀秋莎 2020-4-19 6036



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  • Smoke Thief、Jake Abernathie、Able Kirby和来自AlienWorks的其他朋友为游戏配乐,坐在家中享受老式车载磁带机给你带来的音乐之旅吧!

  • 提供加速游戏的辅助选项,你甚至能在5分钟内快进所有内容,但是有谁会想这么做呢?

  • 独特的成就系统。不过老实说,它们可能拓展了“成就”的定义。

  • 最后,我们用比较“愚蠢”的内容替换了AlienWorks让程序员写的二周目内容。这可能是一个好主意,也可能完全不是。

《花开公路 重置版》将带来全新的浪漫寻宝公路之旅。最主要的是,一群才华横溢的配音演员给大家带来了全英文配音。我们也重置了音乐,同时新增了官方中文版,期待给大家带来更好的视听体验。此版本修复了大量的bug,优化了很多内容,在“最新更新”栏下有更为详细的内容。


百合游戏作者采访——Highway Blossoms 花开公路

-Hi Josh, glad to have an interview with you guys lol

Thanks for making such a sweet and cute story for us! Here I list some questions below, feel free to add more if you want to.

-Hi Josh,很开心你愿意接受我们的采访~谢谢你们给玩家带来这么萌的游戏作品。下面列出了一些采访问题,如果有需要可以随意增加问题。


Q1: Can you tell us more about your studio and team members?



A1: Alienworks is a VN studio that was founded about four or five years ago. At first we were just working on our game “The Human Reignition Project,” which was successful on Kickstarter and is still in development. “Highway Blossoms” was the second project we started, and the first we finished. We have members all around the world, with a lot of us being in the US, but others in the Philippines, Canada, Australia, England, and more.

Alienworks是一个专门做视觉小说的游戏工作室,大概成立于四、五年前。我们最早在Kickstarter成功众筹了第一个项目The Human Reignition Project,目前还在开发中。Highway Blossoms是我们的第二个项目,比第一个项目提前完成。工作室的成员遍布世界各地,大部分是美国人,也有来自菲律宾,加拿大,澳大利亚,英格兰和其他国家的成员。


Q2: What inspired Highway Blossoms at the beginning? How did you come up with this idea?



Most of the original concept and outline for “Highway Blossoms” was done by the game’s other writer and project director, Syon. He has a strong love for Americana and the “weird” side of American culture, and wanted HB to be somewhat of a tribute to that. Before we even came up with the premise of the road trip and treasure hunt, we had simply decided that we wanted to make a yuri game together, and worked out the details from there. Originally, the idea for the game only entailed the road trip aspects, but we added in the treasure hunt to add some drama and adventure to the story.



When we started, we had planned to just make it a really short game that we could complete quickly just for the experience. It ended up being something bigger after we had a really positive reception to the game’s announcement, as well as several opportunities that arose over the course of development.



Q3: How many writers worked on the story? How did you guys meet and decide to work together?



There were just two writers, Syon and myself, although we got feedback and editing help from a variety of other people. He and I first met on a project several years prior, which never came to completion, although we stayed in touch even after it ended.



Q4: How many artists worked on the art? Who worked on which part?



There were a bunch of artists who worked on the game. The lead artist was Shiyun, who did the character designs for most of the characters, including Amber and Marina, and who also drew most of the sprites and some of the CG images. Our friend Myuto, who’s the sprite artist for HRP, assisted with some of the side character designs and some of the coloring. Rosuuri and Weee/Raemz also contributed several CG’s. Finally, Badriel was responsible for all of the backgrounds.



Q5: Do you like Japanese games and culture? Favourite artist, anime? Also Wonder if you can read Japanese XD.



We’re all big anime fans! A few of us actually took a vacation to Japan at the end of 2017. My favorite anime is probably Love Live Sunshine, but Nagi No Asukara and Flip Flappers are some runners up. Like many fans, I love just about anything with lots of cute girls! My favorite Japanese bands are One OK Rock and Galileo Galilei. I can read and speak a very small amount of Japanese, but I’m not even close to fluent.

我们都是一群动漫宅!2017年年底的时候,有的成员去日本度过假。《LoveLive!Sunshine!!》大概算得上我最喜欢的动画,但是《来自风平浪静的明天》和《轻拍翻转小魔女》也很不错。我和大部分粉丝一样,超爱各种各样的萌妹子!我最喜欢的日本乐队是One OK Rock和Galileo Galilei。我只能看懂和说出几句简单的日文,离表达流利还差得远唉。


Q6: How did you get inspiration for character design, stories for your games? Could you tell us more about your opinion on game design?



My opinion is that every story is worth telling. If you as a writer or a storyteller think a story is interesting, then surely there’s someone else out there who will agree with you. The most important thing to making anything – not just a game, but music or art or whatever – is sincerity. I think that anytime something is made with passion and good intentions, there are people out there who will enjoy it. I don’t think that there were any particular references or other characters that we used as inspiration for Highway Blossoms, we just wrote about characters that we thought were interesting.



Q7: Can you share us a bit more about VN yuri community on twitter/steam and the whole VN yuri game market in western game industry? Is it a trend for western game players?



There is a growing number of developers in the west who are making yuri games of all types. “Alpha’s Adventures” was a big Kickstarter success that hit all its stretch goals, and covers a variety of genres like sci-fi and fantasy. Another one that was recently released was “Butterfly Soup,” which was a funny, earnest game that won a bunch of awards for narrative and other accolades. Ebi-Hime’s “Blackberry Honey,” which came out last year, was a yuri game about Victorian maids. There are also more and more games being made who feature trans or non-binary characters. Basically, it’s a very progressive industry. Of course, there are also still releases of games that everyone knows such as the “Sono Hanabira” series. There’s a lot of demand for all styles of yuri games, so I definitely think the genre will continue to get more popular.

现在欧美开发百合游戏的人越来越多了,内容题材也多种多样。《Alpha's Adventures》在Kickstarter众筹网上大获成功,这个游戏带点科幻和幻想的元素。还有之前发布的《Butterfly Soup》,这款游戏很有趣,相当有诚意,它获得了许多叙事方面的奖项。Ebi-Hime制作的《Blackberry Honey》讲述了维多利亚时期女仆之间的百合故事。此外,在越来越多的游戏中,你会看到变性或者跨越性别的主角(译者注:原文为non-binary,维基上对此解释为“Genderqueer, also known as non-binary, is a catch-all category for gender identities that are not exclusively masculine or feminine‍—‌identities which are outside the gender binary and cisnormativity.”我们可以理解为跨越性别或者在两种性别之间的意思。)基本上,百合游戏在欧美游戏行业中不断发展。当然,还有像《亲吻那片花瓣》系列那样广为人知的作品。不同类型的百合游戏都有各自的市场,所以我认为百合游戏会越来越受到玩家的喜爱。


Q8: What games are you playing these days?



Personally I’ve been playing Pokemon Crystal, Monster Hunter World, and Nier: Automata. Other people on the team play lots of Overwatch, Path of Exile, PUBG, and other games.

In terms of visual novels, I play a bunch for work. Some of my favorites are “The Falconers: Moonlight,” the Fault Milestone series, and “A Butterfly In the District of Dreams.”

我最近在玩《口袋妖怪:水晶》,《怪物猎人:世界》,还有《尼尔:机械纪元》。其他成员经常玩《守望先锋》,《流亡之路》,《绝地求生》和其他游戏。因为工作的原因,我也玩了很多视觉小说游戏。我很喜欢《The Falconers: Moonlight》,《Fault Milestone》系列和《梦中之蝶》(A Butterfly In the District of Dreams)。


Q9: Any plans for the next project in future?



Right now, as far as Alienworks goes, we’re only focusing on finishing HRP. A few of us have other projects though. For instance, I started my own studio, Studio Élan, where we’ll be making exclusively yuri games. Syon also started his own new Studio, called Coattails Studio. Their first project is a Lovecraft-inspired, psychological thriller called “Same As It Ever Was.”

现在Alienworks会继续专注HRP项目,有些成员会去做别的项目。比如说我建立了自己的工作室Studio Élan,后续会专门做百合游戏。Syon也建立了自己的工作室Coattails Studio,他们的新项目是一款克苏鲁风格的惊悚游戏《Same As It Ever Was》。


Q10: When we read R-18 part, really wonder what’s in the author's mind when they wrote it, like wowwww, how do you guys make it work? (Emmmm, male writers, right, right? Lol.)



With the first h-scene, we thought it was important to show Amber’s grief, as well as the way Marina cares for her. It wasn’t supposed to just be an erotic scene, but also an emotionally important one.

With the second, I wanted to write an h-scene that was cute and that really reflected the characters’ personalities, instead of just being porn that could have featured any characters interchangeably. Admittedly, we’ve had a few people who didn’t like how that scene ends, but it’s a decision that I still stand by haha





Q11: When we translate this game, omg, found tons of memes, can you give us more reference about it? Remember you mentioned you guys made some of them yourself.



The extra joke versions, “Goofball Mode” and “EZ Mode” were entirely the idea of our programmer, Kevin. He wrote all the jokes for those, as well as most of the silly ideas for Steam achievements. Some of the jokes were based off of things that happened during development. For instance, “HIGH SPEED FLOWER BLOOM” comes from when we found what claimed to be a free download of the game on a shady piracy site, even though it was months before the game was finished or completed.

恶搞版本里的“Goofball Mode”和“EZ Mode”都是开发大佬Kevin的锅。他写了很多恶搞的内容进去,包括你们见到的一些steam成就!有的内容是开发过程中的事情,比如说“HIGH SPEED FLOWER BLOOM”(高速花盛开)的由来,游戏还没完成,我们已经在某个破解网站上看到了它的免费破解下载版,于是我们就直接把网站上的名字拿来用了哈哈哈。



Q12: One last question, Anything else you would like to share with Chinese players?



Thank you for giving our game a chance! It’s very humbling and flattering to know that there are people all around the world who enjoy our game, especially one that’s so deeply rooted in American culture and landmarks. Ever since the game came out we’ve been constantly awed by the positive feedback, and we’re really excited that people will have the opportunity to enjoy the game in even more languages. I’d also like to once again acknowledge the dedicated translators who made this all possible, and thank them for all their hard work.






    美中不足的是,它的H情节太少了,只有两个。比起Blackberry Honey和Love Ribbon明显少了很多,给人意犹未尽的感觉。(玩这个游戏一定要打18RDLC)






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