
喀秋莎 2020-4-9 5019





本文引自萌娘百科(https://zh.moegirl.org),文字内容默认使用《知识共享 署名-非商业性使用-相同方式共享 3.0》协议。

Boy, 12, raped his younger sister to act out scenes from porn films he watched on the internet in SCHOOL

Schoolboy abused his sister, aged under 10, for a year

Boy is given a three-year youth rehabilitation order by judge

He sat between his parents as he was sentenced at Newport Crown Court

Judge said: 'The internet is not a benign babysitter but a mirror of adulthood in all its forms'

A 12-year-old boy tried to re-enact scenes from a porn film he watched in school on the internet by raping his younger sister, a court heard.

The schoolboy searched for the hardcore films with a classmate - before going home to copy what he had seen.

The boy admitted three charges of rape when he appeared before Newport Crown Court yesterday.

Judge Thomas Crowther QC said: 'It’s a sad fact that many boys of his age will have been exposed to adult pornography.

'But not all boys exposed to it will act as he did. He found pornography online and replicated what he saw.

'Let us remind ourselves that the internet is not a benign babysitter but a mirror of adulthood in all its forms.'

The slightly built boy, who cannot be named for legal reasons, sat between his parents as he was sentenced.

The court heard the brother and sister regularly shared a bedroom while staying with a family member.

Their parents discovered what was going on when the girl, who was under the age of 10, confided to a relative that her brother had touched her.

The boy was questioned by another family member and admitted having urges he could not control and knew what he was doing was wrong.

The court heard the sexual abuse had been going on for a year.

The boy was given a three-year youth rehabilitation order and will continue to live at the family home.

He was ordered to register as a sex offender for two-and-a-half years.

The boy’s school was not named but education chiefs are investigating how the 12-year-old accessed pornography while in school.

最新回复 (3)
  • 喀秋莎 2020-4-9
    0 2
    凌霄花 12岁的男孩强奸了他的妹妹,演绎了他在学校里观看的色情影片中的场景 小学生虐待了他的10岁以下姐姐一年 法官给男孩下了三年青训令 他在纽波特刑事法院被判刑时坐在父母中间 法官说 ...
  • 喀秋莎 2020-4-9
    0 3
    Aic2333 12岁........ 妹妹不到10岁........ 这........ 白皮发育快是真的啊 undefined
  • 喀秋莎 2020-4-9
    1 4
    古墨 其实要是你真有一个实妹是不会这样的,大部分时间只会觉得烦...至少我这么觉得呃
    • ACG里世界